Ukraine rising

Discover the richness of contemporary creative culture from Ukraine with the best in interior design, architecture, art, photography, and fashion.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /> In the last decade, Ukraine has emerged as a hotbed of contemporary creativity, showcasing impressive contributions in fields such as interior design, fashion, architecture, photography, and art. The young Ukrainian creatives blend traditional crafts, materials, and aesthetics with a modern, cosmopolitan outlook. Ukraine Rising is a book that celebrates the best of contemporary Ukrainian culture through compelling photography and insightful writing. It showcases the work of top creatives and features expert essays that offer a glimpse into the vibrant people, projects, and innovation the country has to offer. This collaboration with Ukrainian publisher Lucia Bondar is a testament to the creative spirit and energy of Ukrainians and a promise for a better future.
Disponible sous 3/4 jours
EAN 9783967041187
Éditeur DGV
Date de parution 17/08/2023
Format 35 mm x 265 mm x 215 mm
Format 35 mm x 265 mm x 215 mm
Nombre de pages 320
Où nous trouver ?
126 boulevard maréchal Leclerc
14000 Caen
Horaires d'ouverture

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Mardi 10h-19h
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Jeudi 10h-19h
Vendredi 10h-19h
Samedi 10h-19h

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