The underground graffiti sketchbook

The heyday of London Underground graffiti began in the mid-1980s, which saw an explosion of hip-hop culture across the UK. The Subway art of American graffiti artists and the release of U.S. hip-hop had fired he imaginations of a generation of British kids, and UK graffiti artists or 'writers' began unleashing their creativity in small clubs, on walls, and on overground and Underground train carriages up and down the land.The Underground trains proved an irresistible lureBefore long, graffiti artists from across London were throwing pieces up on the tube lines and eventually the art form entered the mainstream, making inroads into galleries with the best writers being lauded by the cultural eliteWith The Underground Graffiti Sketchbook, today's graffiti artists can go back to the medium's roots and find inspiration without risk of electrocution or arrestThere are line drawings of carriages on high-grade uncoated art paper. Using pencil, paint or marker pen, the unique concertina binding will allow you to create amazing sequences of customised cars, perfect for display or just honing your graffiti skills.
Disponible sous 3/4 jours
EAN 9781907579929
Éditeur ILEX
Date de parution 17/08/2011
Où nous trouver ?
126 boulevard maréchal Leclerc
14000 Caen
Horaires d'ouverture

Lundi fermeture
Mardi 10h-19h
Mercredi 10h-19h
Jeudi 10h-19h
Vendredi 10h-19h
Samedi 10h-19h

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