The last chairlift

John Irving, one of the worlds greatest novelists, returns with his first novel in seven years -- a ghost story, a love story, and a lifetime of sexual politics. In Aspen, Colorado, in 1941, Rachel Brewster is a slalom skier at the National Downhill and Slalom Championships. Little Ray, as she is called, finishes nowhere near the podium, but she manages to get pregnant. Back home, in New England, Little Ray becomes a ski instructor. Her son, Adam, grows up in a family that defies conventions and evades questions concerning the eventful past. Years later, looking for answers, Adam will go to Aspen. In the Hotel Jerome, where he was conceived, Adam will meet some ghosts - in The Last Chairlift , they arent the first or the last ghosts he sees. John Irving has written some of the most acclaimed books of our time -- among them, The World According to Garp and The Cider House Rules. A visionary voice on the subject of sexual tolerance, Irving is a bard of alternative families. In The Last Chairlift , readers will once more be in his thrall.
Disponible sous 3/4 jours
EAN 9781471179082
Collection 222 grand
Date de parution 20/10/2022
Date de parution 20/10/2022
Format 60 mm x 242 mm x 162 mm
Format 60 mm x 242 mm x 162 mm
Où nous trouver ?
126 boulevard maréchal Leclerc
14000 Caen
Horaires d'ouverture

Lundi fermeture
Mardi 10h-19h
Mercredi 10h-19h
Jeudi 10h-19h
Vendredi 10h-19h
Samedi 10h-19h

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