Night. sleep. death. the stars.

The bonds of family are tested in the wake of a profound tragedy, providing a look at the darker side of our society The bonds of family are tested in the wake of a profound tragedy, providing a look at the darker side of our society Night Sleep Death The Stars is a gripping examination of contemporary America through the prism of a family tragedy: when a powerful parent dies, each of his adult children reacts in startling and unexpected ways, and his grieving widow in the most surprising way of all. Stark and penetrating, Joyce Carol Oates''s latest novel is a vivid exploration of race, psychological trauma, class warfare, grief, and eventual healing, as well as an intimate family novel in the tradition of the author''s bestselling We Were the Mulvaneys .
EAN 9780008381110
Éditeur 4TH ESTATE
Collection 211 poche
Date de parution 17/06/2021
Format 50 mm x 196 mm x 129 mm
Où nous trouver ?
126 boulevard maréchal Leclerc
14000 Caen
Horaires d'ouverture

Lundi fermeture
Mardi 10h-19h
Mercredi 10h-19h
Jeudi 10h-19h
Vendredi 10h-19h
Samedi 10h-19h

Éclairez ma lanterne



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