Demon copperhead

A masterpiece in storytelling from the global bestselling author of Unsheltered and Flight Behaviour. WINNER OF THE WOMEN''S PRIZE FOR FICTION 2010 THE MULTI-MILLION COPY SELLING AUTHOR ''It''s EPIC. Righteously angry, DEEPLY moving, wholly immersive, totally convincing and exquisitely written.'' MARIAN KEYES ''A fantastic read.'' EMILY MAITLIS ____________ Demon Copperhead is a once-in-a-generation novel that breaks and mends your heart in the way only the best fiction can. Demon''s story begins with his traumatic birth to a single mother in a single-wide trailer, looking ''like a little blue prizefighter.'' For the life ahead of him he would need all of that fighting spirit, along with buckets of charm, a quick wit, and some unexpected talents, legal and otherwise. In the southern Appalachian Mountains of Virginia, poverty isn''t an idea, it''s as natural as the grass grows. For a generation growing up in this world, at the heart of the modern opioid crisis, addiction isn''t an abstraction, it''s neighbours, parents, and friends. ''Family'' could mean love, or reluctant foster care. For Demon, born on the wrong side of luck, the affection and safety he craves is as remote as the ocean he dreams of seeing one day. The wonder is in how far he''s willing to travel to try and get there. Suffused with truth, anger and compassion, Demon Copperhead is an epic tale of love, loss and everything in between. ____________ What readers are saying: ***** ''An amazing, beautifully written story I cannot wait to recommend to everyone I know.'' ***** ''Powerful and brilliant. To immerse yourself in a Kingsolver novel is to put yourself in the hands of a master.'' ***** ''A must read and heart-opening book.'' ***** ''This book is not to be missed.'' ***** ''Amazingly complex. . . [Kingsolver] is, by far, one of the greatest living authors''
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EAN 9780571376483
Collection 231 poche
Collection 231 poche
Date de parution 29/04/2023
Date de parution 29/04/2023
Format 36 mm x 199 mm x 131 mm
Format 36 mm x 199 mm x 131 mm
Where to find us?
126 boulevard maréchal Leclerc
14000 Caen

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