Long shadows

Long Shadows is the seventh Amos Decker thriller from internationally bestselling author David Baldacci.Memory man FBI agent, Amos Decker, returns in this action-packed thriller to investigate the mysterious and brutal murder of a federal judge and her bodyguard at her home in an exclusive, gated community in FloridaThings are changing for Decker. He is in crisis following the suicide of a close friend and receipt of a letter concerning a personal issue which could change his life forever. Together with the prospect of working with a new partner, Frederica White, Amos Decker knows that this case will take all of his special skills to solveJudge Julia Cummins seemingly had no enemies and there was no forced entry to her property. Close friends and neighbours in the community apparently heard nothing, and Cummins'' distraught ex-husband, Barry, and teenage son, Tyler, both have strong alibis. Decker must first find the answer to why the judge felt the need for a bodyguard, and the meaning behind the strange calling card left by the killerAs the investigation deepens, the body count rises, and Decker and White discover a trail which leads back to a past presidential campaign and an unsolved crime surrounding those in power at the very highest levelGreed, deceit, deception and corruption at the very heart of powerSomeone has decided that it''s payback time.
Disponible sous 3/4 jours
EAN 9781529061918
Collection 231 poche
Date de parution 11/05/2023
Format 38 mm x 178 mm x 111 mm
Format 38 mm x 178 mm x 111 mm
Where to find us?
126 boulevard maréchal Leclerc
14000 Caen

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