From the bestselling author of Middle England and Mr Wilder and Me comes a brilliant new state of the nation novelbr>br>In the Birmingham suburb of Bournville, a family celebrate VE Day in 1945. With the joy of such an occasion there also come larger national questions about the nature of the horrific war the country has just been through. Following this family through generations as they navigate seventy-five years of drastic social change, from wartime nostalgia and English exceptionalism to the World Cup and coronavirus, domestic secrets and national myths leave characters and a country adrift, bewildered and divided.br>br>Bournville is the story of who we are - at our worst, and best. From bestselling author Jonathan Coe comes a novel of rare humour and humanity, a novel that holds up a mirror to our past and our present.>
Disponible sous 3/4 jours
EAN 9780241517390
Éditeur VIKIN
Collection 222 grand
Date de parution 01/11/2022
Format 28 mm x 234 mm x 153 mm
Where to find us?
126 boulevard maréchal Leclerc
14000 Caen

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